0141-2560874, 0141-2573935

Swasthya Kalyan Blood Bank

About Blood Bank

Set-up in 1995, Swasthya Kalyan Blood Bank & Thalassaemia Research Centre was the first licenced Blood Bank in Rajasthan. The blood bank continued its pionnering work in the field by introducing the first platelet aphersis machine of the state in 1999 and getting the first cryoprecipitate licence of the state in 2000. For its work, the blood bank was awarded with a state award of Rs. 51,000 by His Highness The Governor of Rajasthan in 2001.

Since then, Swasthya Kalyan Blood Bank has continued to dedicate itself in ensuring that no one in the state suffers from a lack of blood or its components.

Our Services

  1. Whole Blood
  2. Packed Red Blood Cells
  3. Fresh Frozen Plazma
  4. Platelet Concentrate
  5. Cryoprecipitated Antihaemophilic Factor
  6. Single Donner Platelet
  7. Blood Donation Camps
  8. Blood Donation Vehicles
  9. Blood Storage Centre for Hospitals

Our Blood Banks & Location

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